To accomplish great things,
we must dream, believe in those dreams and act upon them.

To accomplish great things, we must dream, believe in those dreams and act upon them.

  • Dreams begin with a Vision
  • Vision help create Goals

  • Goals must have a Purpose

  • Purpose leads to Success

Dreams are worth an investment…

We invest in Dreams.

Lucid Dreams Foundation

Easily understood and characterized by a clear perception or understanding.


Walter and Ruby Edwards had a unique sense of giving and helping those that could not help themselves.  Sharing their story, connecting patterns from the past and reinterpreting them is destined to inspire action.  Mission, Values, Vision and their Story combine to create our purpose for Lucid Dreams Foundation.


To honor the legacy of Walter and Ruby Edwards by continuing to make a positive difference in the lives of people who clearly understand their dreams and want to own them.


  • Family – Walter and Rudy Edwards instilled their values of honesty, integrity, respect and a strong work ethic into their children.  The now four generations of family members appreciate these values and seek to embrace them together.

  • Faith – Their strong belief in God and the priority given to their Christian faith inspired Walter and Ruby Edwards to spread this gospel, love their neighbors and help those in need.  Their faith continues to influence the work of Lucid Dreams Foundation.

  • Education – Our family believes that education and opportunity are connected.  A quality education opens doors to new worlds and possibilities.

  • Leadership – Smart, innovative, passionate people are our most powerful force.  Individuals, families, organizations and communities – Everyone wins when leaders are developed.

  • Community – Supporting and connecting people within a strong community, reveals novel ideas with a new perspective, passion and determination that will generate a brighter future everyone.


We envision a just and inclusive society where people have the support they need to achieve their full potential and attain their own version of success.